by James Burns | Oct 18, 2021 | Bully Proof Classroom
Dealing With Angry And Irate Parents
Module Description
Parents who are angry and irate can wreak havoc on a classroom or school where the teacher can feel harassed, intimidated, and bullied. This module will give the participants the strategies and the skills necessary to manage unruly parents and give them the skills to manage both planned and unplanned parent/teacher meetings. The participants will develop a clear understanding as to why the parents are angry and gain insight as to why these parents can make them feel so intimidated. This module will also to help alleviate the stress that can develop during parent meeting and help the teacher regain control and manage the parent/teacher relationship with confidence.
School Climate Control
Module Description
Although it is difficult to provide a concise definition for school climate, many researchers believe that it is a multidimensional construct that includes physical, social, and academic dimensions. The BPC online academy believes that school climate should focus on five key areas; Respect, Responsibility, Compliance, Safety, and Character Education. This course provides instruction,
illustrations, videos, podcasts, and activities that address these five key areas. It provides learning for all, with everything in one place and allows teachers to turn key the information in order to in-service the staff at their schools. It includes a free eBook that acts a guide as the participant completes the coursework. A certificate of completion is awarded reflecting five hours.
Character is Everything
Module Description
Much has been said over the years about the student who is difficult to manage, and who exhibits behaviors that lack a moral compass. Educators and child-care providers need strategies that address the pervasive problems of disrespect, irresponsibility and a lack of compassion for their fellow students. This module addresses the problems that are at the root of these behaviors. Character training truly makes a difference in the outcome of a student’s life. As a student builds character he/she will become more successful. Students who are taught character qualities such as honesty, reliability, diligence, and respect learn to change their behaviors from the inside out and truly understand how to self generate positive behaviors, and have a change of heart, not just a change of mind.
The Anti Bullying Teacher Toolbox
Toolbox Description
The idea behind this tool box is to provide as many resources as possible to help a teacher deal with the bullying epidemic. It is downloadable and has many links that can be accessed with a click. It provides material that can be added to and can be modified. It has podcasts and some very unique videocasts. Believe it or not it is a starting point for teachers and as they move forward they can create their own folder and add materials to the tool box making it their own very powerful resource that can be used to help students and other teachers deal with bullying issues in their school. Be sure to use the links, this tool box is designed to be viewed on your computer. You don’t have to be on the web as some of the links were created offline.
Successful bullying prevention includes education, preparation, and teamwork. This toolbox provides specific insights, strategies, activities, and resources to address bullying. It is designed especially for parents, caregivers, educators, and healthcare providers who work with children and youth in homes, early childhood programs, schools (K-12), after school and youth programs, camps, and healthcare settings.
This toolbox will help you:
1 Understand the extent, seriousness, and dynamics of bullying
2 Recognize and respond early and effectively to behaviors that can lead to bullying
3 Learn about new, effective strategies for preventing bullying
4 Prepare children to recognize and respond effectively to early bullying behavior
5 Teach children how everyone—bullies, victims, bystanders, and supportive adults—can help prevent and stop bullying
6 Create an environment where everyone understands that bullying behaviors are unacceptable, harmful, and preventable
7 Empower yourself and children to actively intervene to prevent and stop bullying
by James Burns | Oct 12, 2018 | Baby Boomers, Behavior Management, Bully Proof Classroom, James Burns, Parents, The Bully Proof Classroom, The Ramblings of a Dinosaur

Have you ever wondered why your parents did some of the things that they did. I did lots of times. My dad had so many regimented activities that I thought he had a screw lose or something. I’m only going to talk about two here because there are too many to put into one essay.
I really spent time observing my dad as a kid and listening to him. It wasn’t until I was about forty that I realized some of the benefits of his behavior and, very recently, some of the real benefits of his behavior. My dad had an unbelievable fear of getting a cold. He came home from WWII with malaria and tuberculosis. He was always cautious of sharing food, towels, cups, and silverware. Any watermark on silverware in a restaurant was sent back immediately.
I remember one time in a restaurant in New York a fork went back three times. Some people send food back. He sent the silverware back. It got so bad that one guy sitting close to use told my dad that the he thought that the waitress was on Candid Camera.
If you sneezed you were accused of trying to bring a cold into the house, to try and kill him. He was hospitalized on December 27, 1967 due to a re-occurrence of the TB and was sent to the infirmary at the veteran’s hospital in East Orange NJ for 3 months. When he was released from the hospital anything and everything could give him a cold.
Two things were absolutes, cold feet and white flour. I never saw my father walk around without shoes or slippers on. He wouldn’t walk three feet without putting on a pair of slippers. If you sneezed, he would always ask you what you ate. My sister, my mother, and I thought he was crazy. Bare feet and white flour would make you sick and if you got sick, well as he put it, “If I get a cold I am finished.”
All of these things I observed always stuck with me. When I was about 40 years old I started to battle my weight. Always watching my calories and trying to stay in shape. The Atkins diet started to become very popular along with other diets that restricted carbohydrates, and other foods that contained you guessed it, white flour. Exactly what the old boy was talking about 30 years ago. Suddenly everyone had a carbohydrate allergy, was gaining weight, had type-two diabetes, high blood pressure, and all kinds of health issues because of white flour. I started to watch my white flour intake and I started to lose weight. The stuff I loved as a kid was something that could kill me. The stuff that my father said could make me sick was making me sick.
Recently I was walking around the backyard wearing a pair of three dollar flip flops. I have a tendency to drag my feet when I walk primarily because my feet are kind of flat, something my dad had also. I walked from the shed to the concrete walkway and slammed my right foot into an Adirondack chair. I know I broke the middle toe. At least it looked broken.
The next day passing through the garage I stubbed the same toe on a hand weight in the middle of the floor. I got into the car in agony, looked down at my foot which had the same three dollar flip-flop on it and I could hear my father say to me, “Will you please put your slippers on.”
This isn’t the first time I stubbed that toe but it is the first time it dawned on me that my father knew me because I was just like him. He didn’t want me to go through the same agonies that he had gone through. He didn’t want me to get fat or stub my toes. Unfortunately, he just had a strange way of letting me know. I don’t think he ever gave me the reason why he did what he did. That’s probably why it took me thirty years to figure it out on my own. If I could ask for something I would ask that my two daughters learn the reasons why I do what I do quicker than I learned things from my father. There’s a question that kids ask all the time “Why do we have to do this?” Sometimes by the time that gets figured out, it’s too late. So put your slippers on and have a piece of whole wheat toast, you’ll be glad you did.
by James Burns | Sep 25, 2018 | Anti Bullying, Anti Bullying Tips, Bully Proof Classroom, Education, Lesson Plans
Teachers have to meet the rigors of their day each and every time they walk into their classroom. They have to follow the guidelines of state and local mandates, as well as follow the policies and procedures of their school. Teaching is hard work; I have spent 11 years in the classroom, 19 years as an administrator and the last 11 years as a college instructor and a consultant. I have heard the complaints and I am letting you know that I understand. Planning has become robotic and almost impossible as you try to meet the educational needs or all of your students. Behavior problems have become an issue as disrespect and irresponsibility remain rampant, and the bullying epidemic just seems to be claiming more victims. I have heard the concerns and want to help, but nothing comes easy. Below you will find what I believe to be a summary of the items on a teacher’s checklist for planning. I have attempted to offer as much as I can for as little cost as possible. Take a look at the list if there is something there that you need than click to read more.
Lesson Plans, all teachers need and want lesson plans that are meaningful and can be used more than once.
Strategies, teachers are always looking for a better way to manage student behavior, and address the learning needs of their students.
Unit Plans, something that may be a dying art but teachers need a way to really help embed information into their students long term memory.
Presentations, it’s always good to have a power point or two that can be used to address issues in your classroom that need to be addressed like relationships or bullying.
Books, all teachers like reading them especially when they provide an answer to some problems that are recurrent and are becoming a disruption to the learning environment.
Podcasts and video casts, a nice way to gather information right off your phone or tablet at your convenience.
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by James Burns | Sep 13, 2018 | Anti Bullying, Anti Bullying 101, Anti Bullying Tips, Bullies, Bully Proof Classroom, James Burns, Uncategorized
by James Burns | Sep 10, 2018 | Bully Proof Classroom, James Burns, Lesson Plans, Respect
by James Burns | Jun 4, 2018 | Bully Proof Classroom, Compliance, James Burns, Parents, Teachers
STOP asking and Start Telling. If you want students to comply you have to stop giving choices and tell students exactly what you want them to do. Choices are something we all want and should be offered at times, but when there is a specific behavior you that you want your students to exhibit allowing choice only promotes confusion on the part of the students and frustration for the teacher. Compliance before choice is something that all students should understand. Students can’t say and do what they want when they want to do it. This 13 page guide provides instructions on how to do it with illustrations from the authors life and provides the language that will empower the teacher and create a positive school climate.
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