by James Burns | Nov 24, 2018 | Bullies, Bullying
A scene that often replays in my mind is being 13 years old, curled up in the fetal position on the floor and being kicked in the ribs. I’m screaming but then my voice catches and becomes a silence that sticks as a lump in the throat that stays there for years.
Bullying – which can be physical, mental, emotional, verbal – can steal a lot, including our confidence and self-esteem. It can also steal language, the ability to express what we have experienced.
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We all have experienced childhood bullying. The impact of it can last a lifetime. I believe that when it is not dealt with in childhood it creates problems in adulthood. Bullying Is Behavior That No One Forgets. In this age where bullying, harassment and intimidation is so prevalent I believe it’s time for character and morals to make a comeback. We need to develop the confidence and the language to thwart bullying and learn how to remain safe both physically and emotionally.
by James Burns | Nov 24, 2018 | Bullies
NEW YORK (AP) — New York City police say they’ve arrested a 16-year-old boy suspected of violently bullying a 9-year-old boy at a Brooklyn public housing complex.
NYPD Chief of Detectives Dermot Shea tweeted Thursday that “the child is now safe and the subject has been apprehended.”
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This type of behavior is a direct result of communities and schools failure to build a safe and secure environment for all. Too often small compromises have been made resulting in a progression of behavior that results in events like the one mentioned or in more serious and tragic events that could end up with a school shooting or a suicide. Work needs to be done by all in building safer and more secure communities and schools.
by James Burns | Sep 13, 2018 | Anti Bullying, Anti Bullying 101, Anti Bullying Tips, Bullies, Bully Proof Classroom, James Burns, Uncategorized
by James Burns | Feb 19, 2018 | Behavior Management, Bullies, Bully Proof Classroom, Responsible words

I can say what I want to when I want to. I guess that’s freedom of speech. I guess we can post or text anything we want to as well. Kids have been sold this. What kids need to understand is that they can say, post, and text whatever they want, WITH CONSEQUENCES. Just because we are thinking something doesn’t mean we have to say it. Our students need to evaluate their words and what damage those words can do to others. The tongue weighs about 2 ounces; yet, it can control the events of our life. Healthy confrontations, debates, and constructive suggestion are good qualities of communication that we all should develop. Spewing, spreading rumors, gossip, and hurtful statements will only create a school environment that is void of morals, trust, and integrity. Teach your students that if they are going to say something that could prove hurtful, to just wait 30 minutes. This wait-time will allow them to evaluate the cost of their words and avoid the guilt that they will experience for hurting another person. We are all just a compilation of what others have said and done to us. Remember, victims suffer because of verbal abuse. Words truly can cut deep into the heart of person.
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by James Burns | Aug 9, 2017 | Bullies, Bully Proof Classroom, Ebooks, How Did You Do It, James Burns
A Reflective Journal
For Those Who Have Learned How To Stop Being Bullied
How does childhood bullying affect a person’s self confidence, resiliency, and courage? How much fear still remains in the victim in social situations and during even the smallest of confrontations?
There are those that have overcome the fear bullying and that is what this journal is about. It is an opportunity for those who were bullied to document their experience and let others know how they did it. They can tell their story and then through reflection and insight lay out their plan of how they regained their confidence and emotional strength. It is designed to help the journal writer realize how they really are a type of pioneer who has paved the way for others to follow. It is my hope that they share their success with others.
Who should use this journal? Anyone who wants to make a difference in their life and the lives of others. It is great for high school teenagers, young adults, those who are still being bullied that need to make a plan to overcome issues that are standing in their way of a successful life. It can be used as a resource for those in the mental health industry, youth groups, guidance counselors and school social workers.
This Journal can be used by anyone to write about how they overcame the fear of bullying. They should take the time to answer the questions and share their success with others and keep track of the progress that was made. It is great tool for groups or individuals. They can continue to journal and use the Life Notebook section to stay up to date on their ongoing success story
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by James Burns | Mar 5, 2017 | Bullies
These strategies just might save a life.
Bullying can be a serious problem for any child, but for children with a medical challenge such as epilepsy, the risk is increased. Knowing the facts about bullying is the first step toward preventing victimization of children and teens with epilepsy or other medical conditions, and keeping them safe.
What exactly is bullying, and how does it affect the children involved? Bullying consists of aggressive behaviors that are repeated over time and involve an abuse of power by the perpetrator. It may take the form of verbal or physical abuse, or, especially for girls, cyberbullying through social media. The child who bullies learns how to use power and aggression to control and distress another, and the child who is victimized learns about losing power and becoming trapped in an abusive relationship. The lessons for both parties are clearly destructive. Contrary to what some people may think, bullying is not a normal part of healthy adolescent development and the suffering it causes may start early and last a lifetime.
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