The Bully Proof Classroom

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About The Bully Proof Classroom

In May of 2015, Jim was awarded the degree of Doctor of Humane Letters for his almost 40 years of work in the area of student behavior management and anti-bullying. In 2012 He and Paul McEnerney wrote and co-designed The Bully Proof Classroom a graduate course that is offered at The College of New Jersey and LaSalle University in Pennsylvania in partnership with The Regional Training Center in Randolph NJ.

Location:  Manahawkin, NJ 08050

Telephone: (732) 773-9855



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Survival Guide

12 Strategies To Manage Behavior/25 Pieces Of Advice From An Old Sage

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A Unit Plan On Resilience

Graduate Courses For Educators

Insights On How To Combat Bullying

As a long term educator and administrator I discovered many years ago the affects of bullying on children but more importantly how bullying can affect a person over the long term.  My schooling which includes a MA in Special Education never really hit the mark when it...

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Highest Ranked Reasons For Being Bullied

  Fourth through Eighth Grades Rank Males  Females   1 didn’t fit in didn’t fit in   2 who friends were who friends were   3 physical weakness clothes worn   4 short- tempered facial appearance   5 clothing overweight   Eighth through Twelfth Grades Rank Males ...

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Ask The Principal

Often teachers ask me questions about how to manage student discipline, irate parents, problems with other staff members or even administration. I have taken some of these questions and provided answers. I thought it would be a good idea to share my answers with my readers.

A Word

From James Burns

” I am a former teacher, and administrator with over forty years of experience. I understand the needs of today’s educators when it comes to bullying and how to stop it in schools,the classroom, and the community. Since 2000 I have worked as a professional speaker,college instructor, anti-bullying consultant, writer, and course designer. I understand the teacher’s heart and know how to help these kids overcome the trauma of bullying. “

– Jim Burns

The Bully Proof Classroom

Book and Resources


School Climate and Anti Bullying Conference
This Conference provides teachers and administrators with 12 Strategies to help improve classroom/school climate, how to develop respect, responsibility and compliance in students, how to teach students character qualities they will need for life-long success, strategies that help bullies and targets improve their coping skills, how to develop a code of conduct that can be effectively communicated to all students, how to be more effective in changing student behavior, and the importance of getting and keeping everyone working on the same school goals.
Improved Classroom Climate
When I was in high school I was given a assignment to do in a 9th grade social studies class. I was given two weeks to complete it but, like most kids I procrastinated until the night before. I turned in the assignment the next day. Many of the projects that the other students turned in were handed in stapled together, some in binders, some with report covers over them. Mine was turned in with a paper clip holding together two sheets of handwritten paper. About a week later the teacher turned the projects back. He never gave me mine back but, ask to see me after class. When I met with him he looked at me and said, “What is this.” I responded by saying, “That’s my project.” He then asked, “Is this the best you can do?” I said, “No, I guess I could have done better.” He then asked me, “Are you capable of doing better?” I said. “Yes.” He then proceeded to tell me that he wanted to meet with me after school to help me put a project together that would improve my grade because what I turned into him was most definitely and F. He took the time to help me do research, write better, and showed me how to put a report together. He had academic expectations that I was never exposed to in the 8th grade but made sure that he gave me all the help I needed from him to meet those expectations. I ended up with a B+ on the project. Thanks to him.

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Anti-Bullying Tips