How Did You Do It?

A Reflective Journal
For Those Who Have Learned How To Stop Being Bullied

How does childhood bullying affect a person’s self confidence, resiliency, and courage? How much fear still remains in the victim in social situations and during even the smallest of confrontations?

There are those that have overcome the fear bullying and that is what this journal is about. It is an opportunity for those who were bullied to document their experience and let others know how they did it. They can tell their story and then through reflection and insight lay out their plan of how they regained their confidence and emotional strength. It is designed to help the journal writer realize how they really are a type of pioneer who has paved the way for others to follow. It is my hope that they share their success with others.

Who should use this journal? Anyone who wants to make a difference in their life and the lives of others. It is great for high school teenagers, young adults, those who are still being bullied that need to make a plan to overcome issues that are standing in their way of a successful life. It can be used as a resource for those in the mental health industry, youth groups, guidance counselors and school social workers.

This Journal can be used by anyone to write about how they overcame the fear of bullying. They should take the time to answer the questions and share their success with others and keep track of the progress that was made. It is great tool for groups or individuals. They can continue to journal and use the Life Notebook section to stay up to date on their ongoing success story

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Self Study Courses And Products

Quality Self Study Courses
And Products
If you are looking for some great resources to help deal with the bullying epidemic and other behavior management issues you may be having in your classroom or school click on the link below and see what you can get immediately. Quality courses and products that you download and keep as a resource for yourself or your school. 
As a note these are courses that are self study, so you keep the material. Anti Bullying 401 is a 42 hour college level course and we are working toward getting this course accredited by a college or university. The Academy package is 30 hours of self study courses that are designed to meet the needs of teachers and administrators on a variety of levels. Click on the link below to be brought to a very comprehensive page that will provide you with course descriptions and outlines. The 2017-18 school year will be here before you know it and this is a great way to get professional development hours.

2017-18 Professional Development Opportunities

Schedule Now For 2017-18

If you are planning for the 2017-18 school year you are probably looking for a quality in-service or keynote to start off the year. Jim Burns is a former teacher, and administrator with over forty years of experience. He has been a professional speaker since the year 2000. He is a college instructor, anti bullying consultant, writer, and course designer. In May of 2015 Jim was awarded the degree of Doctor of Humane Letters for his almost 40 years of work in the area of student behavior management and anti bullying. He can speak to your staff on a variety of topics that are both humorous and enlightening. He believes that Everybody Knows about the true issues in education but for some reason can’t come up with the solutions. He offers self study professional development opportunities that can be found at To learn more about scheduling an in-service or a consultation click on the link below for more information.

The Bully Proof Classroom