by James Burns | Mar 15, 2018 | Bully Proof Classroom, Dealing with Angry And Irate Parents
This doesn’t mean you should start an argument. It means that when a bullying parent has a concern, as unrealistic as it might be; let them know that their concern is your concern. If they come in and are agitated, meet their intensity with your own intensity. When they present a problem to you respond with something like “I am so happy you made me aware of this. Now let’s work together to straighten things out,” parents can be reactive, argumentative, and angry. They may lack the social and emotional equity to deal with issues that are placed in front of them by their own child. They rely on the responses that they have learned from others through observation, and many of the behaviors that they exhibit are part of their own intergenerational tendencies.
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by James Burns | Mar 14, 2018 | Anti Bullying, Anti Bullying 101, Anti Bullying Tips, James Burns, Parents, The Bully Proof Classroom, Uncategorized
Some parents have lost their perception of right and wrong behaviors, and sometimes even simple decisions are tough. It’s these parents that will try to bully the teacher and the school. They do not have the ability to cooperate when they disagree and can wreak havoc in an educational setting. These parents need to be agreed with immediately. You heard right; agreed with. But, agree in principal, not with the content. Let them know that you can see things from their perspective, but work with them to see things from your perspective. Instead of a tug of war, move to their side of the rope. Or better The young parents of today need parenting. Parents who have left home with a rebellious attitude may not even be speaking with their own parents yet, let go of the rope. Ease into conversations with these parents and lose your fear of being yelled at. Be an empathic listener, and don’t argue. They need to be taught, and you are going to do it.
by James Burns | Mar 12, 2018 | School Climate Control, Uncategorized
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This module provides all the information you need to know about creating a positive school climate. The course is filled with information on the topic and is overloaded. We were able to provide this voluminous amount of information by hyper linking large articles and at times short ones as well. We include audio presentations and unique videocasts that combine videos with created podcasts ‘It is an extremely unique way to take a course. The nice part is all the material that you download is yours permanently and you can share it with others. You can easily turn key an entire staff with the use of this course. So what do you need to do?
- Click on the hyperlinks that are related to the topic. I place next to the topic (Control Click) so you know that it is a hyperlink.
- Complete the work, watch the videos, and read the articles. When done hit the link for your certificate of completion. We are on the honor system here; you paid for the course, so I hope you get the most out of it.
- Create a binder for yourself and place in it all of the downloadable materials including the free eBook.
- Create a folder on your computer and store the videos, podcasts, and presentations.
Enjoy the course,
Jim Burns

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by James Burns | Mar 10, 2018 | Behavior Management, Bully Proof Classroom, Parents
When kids are unhappy about something that happens in school and they believe that the teacher was the culprit, they will usually go home and complain to mom or dad. If the parents are weak, and are in a position of being intimidated by their own children, they will usually go to the school and argue for their child. Why? Because they can win the argument with the school, but they will always lose the argument with their own kid. I experienced this once: a child bullying his mother in my office. My response to the kid was, “don’t bully your mother in my office.” When this was said, the mom felt she now had an ally and became more assertive with her son. Husbands and wives may disrespect each other in the home in front of the children. Sometimes children will become one of the parents’ confidants and will have to listen to complaints about one parent or the other. Anytime you have an opportunity to stick up for or defend a parent when they are being bullied by their own child in your presence, do it. You will make a new friend, and your disciplining of that child will be easier going forward.
by James Burns | Mar 7, 2018 | James Burns, Parents, Podcast, Teachers, The Bully Proof Classroom, Uncategorized
Please go to http://bullyproofcla and read this article. Based upon the previous tip, it is obvious that bullying is wrong and it will not be tolerated. But, what do you do when parents are bullies? The real reason why parents argue with teachers and administration is because they will never win the argument at home with their own child who they, as the parent, never corrected. They are, in many ways bullied at home and react out of fear; this fear is taken out on the teacher in the form of anger and rage. They are not doing their child any favors because their child is going to have a difficult time in life when Mom and Dad are not around. What’s the answer? When dealing with a parent who is a known bully, never go at it alone. Always meet with them when you have the support of your colleagues or the administration. Parents who are bullies will usually believe what their son or daughter tells them. Things like “the teacher doesn’t like me,” or “the teacher is always picking on me” are common cries from students who are bullies. When you meet with these parents, they go on the attack and become accusatory, putting you as the teacher on the defensive. Chances are, if their son or daughter is a bully, they are a school-wide problem as well, and other teachers and administration have observed their behavior. Having the support of your team when meeting with a parent avoids the idea that you are picking on their child.