School Climate Control

How To Take This Course

This module provides all the information you need to know about creating a positive school climate. The course is filled with information on the topic and is overloaded. We were able to provide this voluminous amount of information by hyper linking large articles and at times short ones as well. We include audio presentations and unique videocasts that combine videos with created podcasts ‘It is an extremely unique way to take a course. The nice part is all the material that you download is yours permanently and you can share it with others. You can easily turn key an entire staff with the use of this course. So what do you need to do?

  1. Click on the hyperlinks that are related to the topic. I place next to the topic (Control Click) so you know that it is a hyperlink.
  2. Complete the work, watch the videos, and read the articles. When done hit the link for your certificate of completion. We are on the honor system here; you paid for the course, so I hope you get the most out of it.
  3. Create a binder for yourself and place in it all of the downloadable materials including the free eBook.
  4. Create a folder on your computer and store the videos, podcasts, and presentations.

Enjoy the course,

Jim Burns

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