They interviewed a group of muggers in NY a few years back and asked them what they looked for when they were zeroing in on a victim. The one negative quality that all victims possessed was they walked around looking down at the ground, and were not really aware of their surroundings. The muggers could just sense the victims fear and inability to detect trouble. The victims were not alert to pending problems.

What is alertness?  Alertness is the ability to be aware of that which is going on around me so I can have the right responses. At times victims are not even aware that they are being bullied, laughed at, or ridiculed. They believe that the bully is just fooling around and is their friend. Teach your students to always be alert to what is being said to them and done to them and help them to create healthy boundaries. It starts with two words; Pay Attention!!

Bench Notice

This quality becomes even more important as a person becomes older. If we don’t pay attention to our thoughts, words, actions, attitudes, and motives our relationships will suffer along with other areas of our life. If we are not alert to a dwindling bank account and high credit card debt the chances are pretty good we are headed for bankruptcy. Going broke can take on many forms. No money is one thing, let’s not become mentally, emotionally, and spiritually bankrupt as well. Pay Attention!!

Lesson Plans On Alertness