Pay Attention To The Victims Of Bullying

Pay Attention To The Victims Of Bullying

I want to wish you all a very happy Thanksgiving and hope you enjoy your time with friends and family. As a teacher you have received emails from me that are informational as well as product oriented. I hope you enjoyed what you read and thanks for your patience, and I hope you didn’t feel overwhelmed and just hit delete because you didn’t have the time to read it.

Starting on Monday November 20th and continuing thru Wednesday November 29, 2018 I am offering the FREE Self Study Course, Strengthening The Victims of Bullying.

This course was designed to provide teachers with the strategies and techniques necessary to help create a positive learning climate as well as help the victims of bullying develop more confidence and resiliency. This course is a $24.99 value and is well worth the price.

With your purchase of  Anti Bullying 101 for just $5.99 you will receive the Strengthening The Victim self study as part of the package.


I am so concerned about the victims of bullying that I believe we need to do something to help them develop the necessary skills that will help them become confident and productive adults. Too often because of past trauma these students tend to flounder and ultimately can fear everyone and everything.

The other more concerning issue is the anger and bitterness that can build and last for a lifetime. This anger can affect employment, relationships, and families. Not to mention if the rage grows strong enough they could be driven to commit some horrible acts, inflicting pain upon themselves and others.

So for $5.99 you get over $30 worth of products and in doing so you are taking the steps to help our students and children and are helping to keep our schools and communities a safer place.


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Workplace Bullies Can Threaten the Heart

Workplace Bullies Can Threaten the Heart

By Robert PreidtHealthDay Reporter
MONDAY, Nov. 19, 2018 (HealthDay News) — If you’re bullied by a bad boss or co-worker, your heart may pay the price, new research shows. Victims of on-the-job bullying or violence faced a higher risk of heart disease and stroke, the researchers found.
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Paula Jones, Reconsidered

Paula Jones, Reconsidered

“The Clinton Affair,” A&E’s six-part mini-series on the scandals of Bill Clinton’s presidency, lacks a point of view. It is straightforward in style and evenhanded in tone. Strangely, this recommends it.

The events it covers have been so sensationalized and so politicized for so long that seeing them presented neutrally and in roughly chronological order is revelatory, particularly regarding the stories of three women: Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey and Juanita Broaddrick.

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Learned Helplessness

Learned Helplessness

by Paulo Coelho

“The American psychologist Martin Seligman’s foundational experiments and theory of learned helplessness began at University of Pennsylvania in 1967, as an extension of his interest in depression. A person should be able to walk away from an abusive relationship, for example, or voluntarily quit a stressful job. A psychological condition known as learned helplessness, however, […]

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