Medical Kryptonite

Bench Notice

You know I did a little digging just to see how many medications are used for disruptive behavior. I included it here.

Medications For Disruptive Behavior

Quite a list. I mention in the video the delineation between organic behavior problems, those of the clinical variety, and learned behaviors. My concern isn’t whether or not someone is taking medication. I mean, I take it for high blood pressure. My concern is are they taking it for the right reasons. If I am influenced by my genetics (as I am, my whole family has or had high blood pressure) does that me that I am so determined that I shouldn’t take responsibility for my condition? You know the answer. The biggest problem that we have is self control. We don’t teach it enough, and then the child’s impulses begin to take over, and he or she become fearless. Please read this article as my parting shot. 

Self Control: There Is “NUN” Better


Classroom Kryptonite

Bench Notice

I have really taken a good hard look at the way things are today as opposed to the way they used to be. I have gone off on tangents at conferences and did nothing but speak from my heart. I feel as though my way of thinking is slowly becoming extinct, but I still believe that regardless of popular opinion or political correctness I have a voice, I mean everbody else does right? I have written hundreds of essays and blog posts but, the fifteen essays contained in this book are the essays that describe what I call the Kryptonite Syndrome and explain what really is weakening our schools and at times weakening us as a society. Pay attention to the end of the video. I will be sharing the behaviors that are weakening school in my posts and in a video format. 

All PD Courses Will Now Be In An Online Format

Bench Notice

I am pleased to announce that all professional development courses that were once offered as a self study will now be in a totally online format. I have spent the time and written many courses that were used by many teachers. These courses can now be taken with PD hours awarded. Below is a list of courses that are or will be available on the website.

Principles of Teacher Transformation – 20 PD Hours – Coming soon

Motivating Disaffected and Hard To Handle Students – 5 PD Hours (available now)

Strengthening The Victims of Bullying – 5 PD Hours (available now)

How To Teach Respect – 2 PD Hours (available now)

The School Climate Online Course – 5 PD Hours Coming Soon (available now)

Character Is Everything – 5 PD Hours (available now)

What Is Really Weakening Our Schools (Everybody Knows)- A Study In Respect – 10 PD Hours Coming Soon (available now)

Helping Students To Become Their Personal Best – 2 PD Hours (available now)

Dealing With Angry and Irate Parents – 10 PD Hours Coming Soon

The Effects of Rumors, Gossip and Complaining On The School Climate – 2 PD Hours Coming Soon

Can You Handle The Truth – Avoiding Grade Inflation – 2 PD Hours Coming Soon

How To Teach Resilience 5 PD Hours Coming Soon

How To Encourage Responsibility – 5 PD Hours Coming Soon

How To Teach Compliance – 2 PD Hours Coming Soon

There will be more, and I will keep you updated. If you would like to view the available courses please click below.

Click Here


Book Jim Now!

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Since 1977 Jim Burns has been working with students who have learning disabilities and behavioral problems. He has almost 40 years of experience working as an administrator, teacher, college instructor, and a seminar leader. He is committed to helping administrators, parents, and teachers establish standards of excellence and to help them build successful relationships with their staff, students, and children. He has written and designed The Bully Proof Classroom, a graduate course that is offered at The College of New Jersey and La Salle University in Pennsylvania in partnership with The Regional Training Center and is endorsed by the New Jersey Education Association. Jim was awarded the degree of Doctor of Humane Letters in recognition of his work in the area of anti bullying. He has also written several books on the topic of anti bullying and classroom climate. “Anti Bullying 101” is a great resource for teachers, administrator, support staff, and parents as it provides permanent help in dealing with unruly behavior and can be used as part of any anti-bullying program. He is available for on sight in-services and keynotes and can be reached at 1-732-773-9855 or Prices vary based upon time, topic, and availability. 

For More Information Click HERE

Sexual Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying In Schools and In The Workplace

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This guide is usable for teachers and students alike. It explains what Sexual Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying looks like. This is a great way for teachers to start a discussion with their students on the topic. It also fits in with the culture of our world today as this issue seems to be in the news on a daily basis. It is truly instructive and preventative.