Students who excel academically usually have a fair amount of confidence. That is a good thing. But, cockiness and arrogance are not good. These attitudes can begin to prey on the nerves of other students and at times, even on you as the teacher. This student may believe that he/she has all the answers and will challenge your role and knowledge as the teacher. This can affect the student’s relationships with other students in the class and with you as the teacher. Even though the student is academically gifted, he/she may be emotionally immature. This attitude will not only have a negative impact on the student in the present, but in the future as well. Correct him/her when necessary and make him/her aware of how he/she is being perceived by other students. A bully will zero in on this kid’s cockiness and begin to victimize him. As teachers, be careful. Just because this student may be on your last nerve and you begin to believe that this student may need to get knocked down a peg or two, don’t look the other way when he/she is bullied.

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