What Are You Paying Attention To?

The brain is a wonderful organ and it can be programmed by us and by others. The words that people say to us and the things that are done to us can produce a private logic that can either be believed or stricken from our conscious mind as being just or untrue. Your Reticular Activating System (RAS) is the automatic mechanism inside your brain that brings relevant information to your attention. The RAS is a filter between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind.

Let’s say you are sitting in your classroom and in the distance, you hear sirens. Your subconscious mind may say, “Police, fire, first aid.” You are busy concentrating on something else, so your conscious mind focuses on the task at hand. But, then you notice that the sirens were from a fire truck and the truck pulls in front of the school. Your RAS immediately kicks in and those sirens that you heard earlier are now relevant to you. If you start to smell smoke well, now it really has your attention.

A student may come to school with their conscious mind already programmed. They may have let so many negative thoughts in that they may have become part of their belief system. The student may have been bullied at home or punished for small mistakes. Their siblings may have picked on them to the point that his RAS now allows only negative thoughts in. But worse yet, they now believe them. Negative words and treatment are the things that get their attention and they begin to form their self-image. Their thoughts become actions.

Bench Notice

The order of the day is to create a climate in your classroom that is kind, caring, respectful, and responsible. Think about the best teacher you’ve ever had, and how they got your attention. Keep a smile on your face and do your best to provide an equitable distribution of your passion and understanding to all of your students. Maybe we have to realize what gets our attention and how good it feels when a smile comes our way.


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The Importance Of Significant Others

Bench Notice

Don’t fret if you lost you way and didn’t pay attention to the significant others in your life. The past is the past, right? Wrong. The past can and will dictate the future if we allow ourselves to be measured based on our failures rather than our successes. Let’s face it. We all have failed or fallen short from time to time. Just because we have failed does not mean we are a failure. It just means we did the best with what we knew at the time. Parents can do this once they take a look at the lifestyle or the behavior of their grown children. If you are a parent, take heart: you did your best with the information you had in the process of raising your children. If you are a teacher and have had your share of problems and headaches and feel like the funds are low and the debts are high, don’t look back. Don’t drive while looking in the rear view mirror; you will hit a future tree. Gandhi once said, “Be the change we wish to see in the world.” What changes do you want? A kinder and gentler place for kids to come, have fun, and learn? Realize that you are the one that has the capacity to facilitate the change. Have you goofed up in the past? So what? The past is the past, so please don’t ever let it remind you of what you are now. Let the past remind you of what the future holds when you finally let go.



Kids Can Intimidate Their Parents

Kids Can Intimidate Their Parents

When kids are unhappy about something that happens in school and they believe that the teacher was the culprit, they will usually go home and complain to mom or dad. If the parents are weak, and are always in a position of being intimidated by their own children, they will usually come into school and argue for their child, defending his/her actions. Why, because they can win the argument with the school, but they will always loss the argument with their own kid at home.

I experienced this once as an administrator; a 17 year old student was  bullying his mother in my office. My response to the kid was, “don’t bully your mother in my office.” When this was said the mom felt she now had an ally, and became more assertive with her son. Husbands and wives may disrespect each other in the home in front of the children. Sometimes children will become one of the parents’ confidants and have to listen to complaints about one parent or the other. Anytime you have an opportunity to stick up for or defend a parent when they are being bullied by their own children in your presence do it, you will make a new friend and your discipline of that child will be easier going forward.

Bench Notice

Parents without boundaries usually allow to much freedom and often don’t hold their kids responsible at a young age. This permissiveness can create an environment where kids believe they can say and do what they want, when they want. This starts to become a problem when children become ten years of age and can become progressively worse moving forward.

Parents need parenting,and they need to be taught how to set healthy boundaries with their children. It’s not so much about teaching compliance but more about teaching character. Help parents to understand the importance of respect, and responsibility and how to demand these qualities from their children. 



Seasonal Lesson Plans For January

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. – Lessons On Character

These lessons are designed to provide the students with a view of some of the quotes by Dr. Martin Luther King and also the character qualities that he displayed as a civil rights leader in the 1960’s. The lesson includes 10 quotes with one bonus quote at the end. Each quote has a character quality associated with it and 5-6 questions that you as the teacher can ask your students that will provoke discussion and give the students a chance to think of their responsibility as it relates to the character qualities. There is a short quiz at the end that the class can take as a whole, with one bonus question. Each question is worth 10 points. The bonus question can be awarded as many points as the teacher would like in order to increase the student’s score.


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The Super Bowl Trivia Game

This game gives students the opportunity to research questions about past Super Bowls. The students are asked questions, have time to look up answers, and score points in a jeopardy type format. The game is played in a group which helps build community and improve classroom climate and camaraderie. This is a great game to play prior to the Super Bowl for some fun and a little excitement. (Grades 5-12)


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Some Reasons Why

Taken From Anti Bullying 101

There are probably many reasons why kids become bullies and why they stay bullies as they move into adulthood. There are many theories and a great deal of experiential opinion on the topic. I believe that there are two major reasons for the rise in bullying behavior over the last 40 years.

The first one is it’s an inter-generational problem. What one generation does in moderation the next one does in excess. In the past kids may have fought their own battles, and settled their own disputes; circumstance plays a big part as well. The second one is that by today’s standards there is far more dysfunction in families and parents may have an overly liberal approach to disciplining their children.

Understanding these two reasons can help teachers get a better handle on the behavior. Sometimes just understanding the why’s of the problem can open up a mind to begin to find a clear solution. The next several tips will cover these two categories. So let’s look at some inter-generation tendencies first, get some tips and then move on to circumstance.

Bench Notice

Bullying is behavior that has been left uncorrected. When parents, teachers, and even society in general fail to correct certain behaviors they then by default  communicate to a child or maybe even an adult that they agree with the behavior. This is a critical piece to understand when we observe behaviors such as disrespect, or irresponsibility. Silence at times can be deafening. Certain behaviors just scream for correction, and they can’t be missed.