23 Embarrassing Symptoms Of PTSD We Don’t Talk About

With many physical and mental health conditions, unwanted (and perhaps visible) symptoms can be embarrassing. Of course, they don’t have to be, but when you live with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), outward symptoms and behaviors can come on when you least expect them, and draw unwelcome attention from those around you.

While it’s easy to say there’s nothing to be embarrassed about, it’s natural to feel this way when it seems like all eyes are on you. Maybe a loud noise made you jump and scream in a public place, or you’ve spotted a stranger who, for just a moment, looks similar to someone linked to a trauma you’ve experienced.

No matter how your PTSD affects you, we want you to know you’re not alone. Your response to triggers is valid, and there is no shame in living with PTSD.

That’s why we asked our mental health community for their own “embarrassing” PTSD symptoms. We hope you’ll find some validation in the answers below.

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Bench Notice

Things most certainly are not as they appear or when taken at face value. (The irresistible influence of first impression)  Before anyone judges or jokes always remember you will never know who I really am until you have walked a mile in my shoes. Listen to the podcast below.

This podcast was taken from the archives of The Bully Proof Classrooms Anti Bullying Tip Of The Day. 

Anxiety, Depression, and Suicide: The Lasting Effects of Bullying

Last week the New York Post reported on the suicide of a 13-year-old Staten Island boy who had been relentlessly bullied at his Catholic school. Danny Fitzgerald’s parents posted his sad and touching letter on Facebook.It’s another example of why bullying is not good for children — or for anyone.

bullying mental effects

What’s more, the deleterious effects are no longer confined to the playground. They continue long after students close the schoolyard gate, several studies say. It turns out that not only do people being bullied suffer long-term emotional problems, but so do the bullies.

Editor’s Note: This story was originally published on Feb. 20, 2013, and was updated by Roberta Alexander on August 16, 2016.

For More Of The Story Click Here

In the final analysis the victim suffers from the scars of bullying. The bully suffers from  guilt of knowing how much pain he inflicted on others. You can’t turn back the clock but you can seek out the people that were bullied in a heartfelt way through social media venues and speak with them to ask for forgiveness. This is not easy, it’s hard. According to the research health problems arise because of guilt and bitterness from either being a bully or a victim. Bringing these two parties together later in life can make a difference in terms of their health and longevity. From a practical standpoint bullies need to held accountable at an early age and victims need to be strengthened to feel more capable and connected.

School Climate Control

How To Take This Course

This module provides all the information you need to know about creating a positive school climate. The course is filled with information on the topic and is overloaded. We were able to provide this voluminous amount of information by hyper linking large articles and at times short ones as well. We include audio presentations and unique videocasts that combine videos with created podcasts ‘It is an extremely unique way to take a course. The nice part is all the material that you download is yours permanently and you can share it with others. You can easily turn key an entire staff with the use of this course. So what do you need to do?

  1. Click on the hyperlinks that are related to the topic. I place next to the topic (Control Click) so you know that it is a hyperlink.
  2. Complete the work, watch the videos, and read the articles. When done hit the link for your certificate of completion. We are on the honor system here; you paid for the course, so I hope you get the most out of it.
  3. Create a binder for yourself and place in it all of the downloadable materials including the free eBook.
  4. Create a folder on your computer and store the videos, podcasts, and presentations.

Enjoy the course,

Jim Burns

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Send Like A Friend

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Here is a nice little slogan you can post in your classroom and teach to your students: “Send like a friend: Text Responsibly.” It sounds easier than it really is. The reason? We are an impulsive society. We can’t control ourselves, and our students have even less self-control. The use of cell phones, Facebook, and other digital devices used to send messages makes it much too easy to send messages that are hurtful. Students who are victimized by this type of raid on their emotions have no place to go and no place to hide. It can happen right in the privacy of the individual’s bedroom, which in times past may have been the only safe haven for a victim of bullying. I wrote an article that you can read on our site www.bullyproofclassroom.com titled, “Society’s Morality has Not Kept Up with Technology.” Technology, which has become more and more sophisticated over time, is not really the problem. The problem is the lack of self-control and the belief that we can say or send anything we want when we want to. Let your students know that what they say and post will eventually come back to haunt them. Some employers and colleges have started using social media sites as screening tools prior to hiring and college acceptance. Please teach this short slogan to your students and make them aware that the “send” button can be a detonator that can ruin a life—maybe theirs.


How Did You Do It?

A Reflective Journal
For Those Who Have Learned How To Stop Being Bullied

How does childhood bullying affect a person’s self confidence, resiliency, and courage? How much fear still remains in the victim in social situations and during even the smallest of confrontations?

There are those that have overcome the fear bullying and that is what this journal is about. It is an opportunity for those who were bullied to document their experience and let others know how they did it. They can tell their story and then through reflection and insight lay out their plan of how they regained their confidence and emotional strength. It is designed to help the journal writer realize how they really are a type of pioneer who has paved the way for others to follow. It is my hope that they share their success with others.

Who should use this journal? Anyone who wants to make a difference in their life and the lives of others. It is great for high school teenagers, young adults, those who are still being bullied that need to make a plan to overcome issues that are standing in their way of a successful life. It can be used as a resource for those in the mental health industry, youth groups, guidance counselors and school social workers.

This Journal can be used by anyone to write about how they overcame the fear of bullying. They should take the time to answer the questions and share their success with others and keep track of the progress that was made. It is great tool for groups or individuals. They can continue to journal and use the Life Notebook section to stay up to date on their ongoing success story

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