Facebook Or Face To Face

“K.” That is my daughter’s response when I send her a request using a text message. I guess it was too much of a strain on her index finger to type the “O”. Adults are also getting into this habit of truncation; things like “you are” are now “ur.” Many years ago, the digital watch came out and all you had to do was view the numbers on the face to be able to tell someone what time it was. That was all well and good, provided you still knew how to tell time by reading the hands on a clock. The same thing is true regarding the invention of calculator. It should only be used for convenience, not to bypass a necessary life skill like multiplication. In this digital age, our students are losing their communication skills. They now interact with the use of Facebook and text messaging. Having an intelligent conversation or writing a “thank you” note is considered old fashioned. Sending an email, a text, or a Facebook post is now the preferred method. What does all this have to do with bullying? Kids today no longer confront in a face to face manner. A healthy confrontation is necessary in life to draw boundaries and express emotions in a constructive way. This is the skill that needs to be taught first, before texting and Facebook-ing. Begin to focus on writing, speaking, and communication as much as possible with your students. Make it a daily exercise. My fear is that if we don’t we will lose our students to the digital abyss.

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How To Have Gossip Free Conversations

How to Have Gossip Free Conversations

By Jenny Dalton

Learn more about Jenny: www.butterfliesbullies.com and www.betterfriendsclub.com

Through a myriad of examples from Mother Nature, we can see that different species of plants and animals already know how to coexist; each providing something essential to balance the environment resulting in an ecosystem that supports the whole of life. As in Nature, so too in our communities, especially now.

— Lynn Twist

I think that the most insidious cultural practice we engage in as women and as a society is gossip. Telling someone something personal, or even mundane, about another person who is not present in the conversation is damaging to our relationships and beneath our innate intelligence. It’s damaging when the information is inevitably leaked back to the person in question. They have hurt feelings, and wonder why people choose to talk about them behind their backs. It’s also damaging to our ability as humans to have productive, planet and societal altering conversations, generative conversations that could create the world that I’d venture to say most if not all of us long to live in. Gossip is just lazy conversation.

As a great person (WHO?) once said, people who talk about other people are stupid, people who talk about ideas are not. That’s paraphrasing, but you get the idea. Why do we spend our precious human time on stupid conversations that are not furthering anything important. There is no time to waste at this point. We must engage in generative, supportive conversations to help save humanity and ourselves.

So, what is gossip? Let’s define it. According to the dictionary, gossip is:

  1. Rumor or talk of a personal, sensational, or intimate nature.
  2. A person who habitually spreads intimate or private rumors or facts.
  3. Trivial, chatty talk or writing.

Gossip is talking about another person when they are not present. Period. It doesn’t matter if the information you share is meant to be helpful. To me, the most insidious gossip is number three on that list, trivial conversation. Why? I think celebrity culture and Hollywood (and politics and sports) keep gossip culture alive and well so we will buy magazines, watch movies, and pay attention to the stories that the media and Hollywood want us to see rather than give ourselves the space we need to listen to our own hearts, our own inspiration, and use our time to create the means to have better relationships and a better world.

The difference between gossip and venting? Good question. Yes, sometimes we need to vent. People can be infuriating. Here are some options. Vent in a journal. Vent in a voicemail to yourself or an audio note that you then delete. Vent to your partner and request specific feedback on how to deal with this infuriating person. Allow venting to become a restorative practice for your communications skills and ability to discern what is important to you. Your anger and frustration with a person includes a lesson for you. Look for it with intention. Gossip however is debasing. It hurts us in our heart and in our gut. It is not a healing practice.

Gossip is a time suck. Let’s face it. Think about how much time you spend thinking about other people and the information you have about them that you want to tell someone else. Is it an hour a week? More? Five hours? How much time do you spend watching Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, HBO, Disney, YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, gossiping on WhatsApp, etc? How much time do you spend listening to other people’s stories? Filling your head with bullshit that won’t help humanity in the slightest. Ok. I get it. You don’t want to save humanity. Well, what about saving yourself? Your own mind. Your peace of mind.

I was a huge gossip in junior high and high school. As girls and women, we are taught to traffic and trade in this sort of information. It’s social currency in some cultures and being a gossip or the act of gossiping can be like the water we swim in. We don’t even see it as a problem. I literally spent so much time talking about other people, thinking I was being “social” that I neglected my studies and was a terrible friend. I was gossiped about too, mostly about my gossiping, and that hurt. One day, a good guy friend suggested I stop, that it was damaging my reputation. Did I want that? No. So, I stopped cold turkey as they say. Once I made an agreement to stop gossiping, it became harder to do — the stopping of gossiping. This is because I was inevitably confronted by tons of opportunities to talk about other people and the gossiping got louder and louder and louder. Once you realize how often you do it, you see it everywhere. Thus the challenge and the opportunity to shift and change.

Once I did shift, and I will give you some tips below, my mind quieted, my anxiety lowered. I no longer had to wonder if I’d get caught talking about others. And, you know what, I started talking about ideas and creative things that interested me and I got curious about other people and what interests them and what they are doing with their time. My life changed utterly and for the better. I also became a better and more loyal friend. Friends became more willing to share their deepest selves with me because they knew I would not tell anyone about what they said to me.

I’ve got this woman in my life now. We’re in our 50s and she is the biggest gossip. She’s also an amazing person, philanthropist, Mom, volunteer, community leader, etc. But when we are in social situations all she does is talk about other people. She’s hilarious. I actually laugh so much when I talk with her. But I don’t give back personal information about anyone else (and we live in a small town so I often know a lot of information about people we know in common). Anyhoo, my whole point is that it dumbs her down. Yes I’m being judgy. But it’s lazy conversation. We could be talking about what badass women we are and lifting each other up instead of chit chatting about what someone did with their weekend or who is getting a divorce, etc. I’ve tried shifting the conversation but she won’t go there. I think it’s insecurity on her part. Or she doesn’t trust me. I don’t know. I’ve told her I don’t gossip. But, this is her go to and her comedy. It’s ingrained in her behavior and I can’t make her want to stop.

If you are someone who is pained by gossip in any way … it makes you feel gross, you want to stop but can’t, you see the value in spending your time thinking about other things and talking about other, more productive and possibly planet altering things … then I urge you to try a gossip fast.

How to Take a Gossip Fast

  1. Make a commitment to not gossip for a set period of time. 30 days, 60 days, 90 days. Give yourself some time.
  2. Tell the people you are in regular communication with that you are on a gossip fast. Notice how they react.
  3. Notice when an urge to gossip arises.
  4. When the urge arises, remind yourself you are on a gossip fast.
  5. Keep at it. Keep noticing.
  6. How does it make you feel? Do you feel left out? Empowered? Free?
  7. Journal about your feelings. Really dig into them.
  8. Journal about the origin of gossip in your life. When did you start? How has it impacted your relationships? Friendships? Your inner peace? What has it cost you?
  9. Once your fast is complete, journal about it’s impact on your life now.
  10. Do you want to make a commitment to continue?

I started with a gossip fast here and there. It was challenging. But I haven’t gossiped in decades and my life is much improved. How?

How to Have Gossip Free Conversations

  1. Start a conversation with someone by asking them a powerful question. Get curious about their lives and what they are up to. Here are some examples to try:
  2. What’s been exciting to you lately?
  3. What have you been most passionate about this week, month?
  4. How are you spending your free time?
  5. What are you creating?
  6. How do you feel about the change in seasons … or something similar.
  7. What do you have planned for your next vacation? Where would you love to visit?
  8. What have you done lately to help our community?
  9. Tell people you do not gossip.
  10. Remind them that you do not gossip.
  11. Share something about yourself and your interests.
  12. Talk about a book you are reading or an inspiring idea you’ve discovered.
  13. Talk about anything but a person.
  14. Talk about music. A new band you love and why.
  15. Talk about art. What you love to do creatively. Do you love to cook, bake, sew, make ceramics, photography …
  16. Share about a cool spot in your town you just discovered.
  17. Ask how you can support this person in what they are doing creatively.

The media continually reminds us that we are pitted against one another, which I believe also breeds gossip. In truth, however, we are one community, and all is well. There is enough, and we are enough. When we bring the practice of collaboration and reciprocity into conscious view a kind of alchemy occurs. To make this magic happen, we need to shift our worldview from the “you-OR-me” world of scarcity and competition to the “you-AND-me” world of collaboration.

In a you-OR-me world, reciprocity and collaboration don’t fit. However, a you-AND-me world is full of collaboration and reciprocity! In that world, our resources are not only enough; they are infinite.



Online Professional Development Courses And Products

Dealing With Angry And Irate Parents

Module Description

Parents who are angry and irate can wreak havoc on a classroom or school where the teacher can feel harassed, intimidated, and bullied. This module will give the participants the strategies and the skills necessary to manage unruly parents and give them the skills to manage both planned and unplanned parent/teacher meetings. The participants will develop a clear understanding as to why the parents are angry and gain insight as to why these parents can make them feel so intimidated. This module will also to help alleviate the stress that can develop during parent meeting and help the teacher regain control and manage the parent/teacher relationship with confidence.

This is a five hour life changing module  – Click Here To Purchase

School Climate Control

Module Description

Although it is difficult to provide a concise definition for school climate, many researchers believe that it is a multidimensional construct that includes physical, social, and academic dimensions. The BPC online academy believes that school climate should focus on five key areas; Respect, Responsibility, Compliance, Safety, and Character Education. This course provides instruction,

illustrations, videos, podcasts, and activities that address these five key areas. It provides learning for all, with everything in one place and allows teachers to turn key the information in order to in-service the staff at their schools. It includes a free eBook that acts a guide as the participant completes the coursework. A certificate of completion is awarded reflecting five hours.

Click Here To Purchase

Character is Everything

Module Description

Much has been said over the years about the student who is difficult to manage, and who exhibits behaviors that lack a moral compass. Educators and child-care providers need strategies that address the pervasive problems of disrespect, irresponsibility and a lack of compassion for their fellow students. This module addresses the problems that are at the root of these behaviors. Character training truly makes a difference in the outcome of a student’s life. As a student builds character he/she will become more successful. Students who are taught character qualities such as honesty, reliability, diligence, and respect learn to change their behaviors from the inside out and truly understand how to self generate positive behaviors, and have a change of heart, not just a change of mind.

Click Here To Purchase

The Anti Bullying Teacher Toolbox

Toolbox Description

The idea behind this tool box is to provide as many resources as possible to help a teacher deal with the bullying epidemic. It is downloadable and has many links that can be accessed with a click. It provides material that can be added to and can be modified. It has podcasts and some very unique videocasts. Believe it or not it is a starting point for teachers and as they move forward they can create their own folder and add materials to the tool box making it their own very powerful resource that can be used to help students and other teachers deal with bullying issues in their school. Be sure to use the links, this tool box is designed to be viewed on your computer. You don’t have to be on the web as some of the links were created offline.

Successful bullying prevention includes education, preparation, and teamwork. This toolbox provides specific insights, strategies, activities, and resources to address bullying. It is designed especially for parents, caregivers, educators, and healthcare providers who work with children and youth in homes, early childhood programs, schools (K-12), after school and youth programs, camps, and healthcare settings.

This toolbox will help you:

1 Understand the extent, seriousness, and dynamics of bullying

2 Recognize and respond early and effectively to behaviors that can lead to bullying

3 Learn about new, effective strategies for preventing bullying

4 Prepare children to recognize and respond effectively to early bullying behavior

5 Teach children how everyone—bullies, victims, bystanders, and supportive adults—can help prevent and stop bullying

6 Create an environment where everyone understands that bullying behaviors are unacceptable, harmful, and preventable

7 Empower yourself and children to actively intervene to prevent and stop bullying

To Purchase  Please Click Here





Lesbian couple attacked on bus gets blasted on social media ‘for being gay’

Lesbian couple attacked on bus gets blasted on social media ‘for being gay’

Social media users are adding insult to injury to the lesbian couple who suffered a chilling attack on a London bus last week.

The assault, which left an American woman with a broken jaw after she refused to kiss her partner at the urging of a group of hooligans, has spawned a litany of homophobic abuse against the pair on Facebook and Twitter.

“That’s what you get for being gay,” one Facebook user commented on an article about the May 30 attack aboard a double-decker bus, which targeted Melania Geymonat, 28, and her girlfriend Chris, 29.

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Bench Notice

I am heart broken and appalled by this type of behavior. Please listen to my podcast posted here and spread it around. This type of hate cannot continue.

Click Here To Listen To The Podcast